tagged by yuka, thanks! :)

[1] What are your current obsessions?
these green tea noodles that i bought at a korean market..in fact i am eating them for dinner as i do this :D . bleached denim that reminds me of clouds, laces and monochromatic white or nude outfits. been trying to find all the right pieces so i can post my experiment!

[2] What is your weirdest obsession?
being matchy matchy with my outfits..though no one here have seen them yet!

[3] What are you wearing today?

flower clip/headband (fell on the floor in that corner!) DIY, jean jacket thrifted, lace daisy babydoll vintage, black eel legging american apparel, fringe booties f21. i need to buy a slip to go underneath..what i have on is too short!
[4] What’s for dinner today?
read #1 :D

[5] Why is today special?
I went to the Claire Pettibone salon to shoot veils this morning, finally get to finish the veil lookbook. Here's a sneak peak...

[6] What would you like to learn to do?
produce music like my amazing boyfriend.

[7] What’s the last thing you bought?
the lilli ann cape and the lace daisy babydoll..both at the vintage expo

[8] What are you listening to right now?
laura gibson - sweet deception

[9] What is your favorite type of weather?

sunny with blue skies and light breeze

[10] What is your most challenging goal right now?
finishing 2 lookbooks, a banner/postcard ad, cp blog layout/design, and moving old web server to media temple..hopefully by the end of this week! i might be forgetting something...hmmm...

[11] What do you think about the person who tagged you?

i've known yuka since high school and she has always been a true and genuine person.  she have always been a real nice person and a good friend! i recently got in touch with her because of this blogosphere! small "world", haha.

[12] If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
i would move to france or sweeden.

[13] What would you like to have in your hands right now?

canon 5d mark II

[14] What would you like to get rid of?

bags and bags of clothes..should give them away to goodwill soon.

[15] If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
i would love to be in japan!

[16] Which language do you want to learn?
japanese and spanish <-- me too!

[17] What do you look for in a friend?
lately, i don't even know since i've practically lost touch with a lot of old friends. it's strange when you try to reach out to them after all these years to keep in touch but the plans never work out. it's also hard to stay in touch when you have nothing in common and more bummed with the ones you have shared goals and dreams with are too busy to even have dinner or even care for that matter. seeing how fleeting it is, i look for nothing in a friend. just good conversations and laughter.

[18] Who do you want to meet in person?

zooey deschanel

[19] What’s your favorite type of music?

i listen to music with a lot of soul, jazz, blues and funk. lots of spacey, lounge type along with some indie rock that are inspired by the past and a frequent in the scene of dubstep/drum n bass. i guess basically everything, haha.

[20] What’s the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet?

it's so hard to say..i love everything in my closet, which is why i have bags and bags of old clothes that i need to give away but it's hard..haha. i definently love my vintage blazer collection i have in there.

[21] What is your dream job?
the one i have now, but i would like to expand with my side projects in the near future.

[22] Any favorite models?
no one really, i'm not really inspired by models..more inspired by the stylist/photographers that created their looks.

[23] What would you mostly likely spend $100 on?

elaborate meals for two

[24] What would you like an endless supply of?

purified water! i'm always running out of drinkable water. wish my 3 gallon bottle refills itself. haha.

[25] Girl crush?
carla bruni

[26] Do you admire anyone’s style?
i'm a huge fan the  street styles of japan

[27] Describe your personal style

i don't exactly know really, it is whatever that inspires me at the moment..it could be an artist, movie, music, travel, my boyfriend or even while shopping. i usually stare at the piece and start layering the way my mood feels, but i do know that i love anything that makes a bold statement and representation of me..whatever that may be. hope to find out through more outfit posts!

(Tag eight other people)

Now I tag:

District of Chic
Jamie Clare


Phuongalong said... @ 4/29/2009 2:59 PM

Those shoes are great, a more sensible alternative (price wise) to the A.Wang ones. Veils are cool, have y ou ever just draped one over yourself and head out into the world?? We should take the headband mania a step further and wear glamour veils in our day to day.

Ania said... @ 4/29/2009 9:35 PM

thank you for the tag! will get to it soon(ish) ;))

+ I love that flower clip :)

Couture Carrie said... @ 4/30/2009 1:15 AM

Love your outfit and your questionnaire answers. Green tea noodles? How cool! And it WOULD be fun to meet Zooey D!


jamie clare said... @ 4/30/2009 1:22 AM

you just had to give me a 27 question survey for my very first tag, didn't you? =]

hahaha. i love your answers, lady. let's go stalk zooey deschanel together?

winnie said... @ 4/30/2009 3:31 AM

Yum! I love green tea...and I love noodles! So your dinner sounds perfect. Love the flower in your hair! I would also LOVE to go to Japan...mark my words. One day I will!

Emily said... @ 4/30/2009 10:16 AM

So cute! Fun read =) I love Japan too haha I ranted on and on about japan too hehe.

casual cutie said... @ 4/30/2009 2:38 PM

i love your white mini dress, so sexy

Gracie said... @ 4/30/2009 3:00 PM

Love the lace mini! Reminds me of something I just recently scored at a vintage boutique. And thanks for linking me!

Much appreciated!


yuka said... @ 4/30/2009 6:07 PM

what a cute outfit!

if youre free tomorrow you should come check out the sale my friends are having at their loft. i have more info in my last post. its on melrose and berendo. its gonna be fun!

alison said... @ 5/01/2009 6:57 AM

those veil photos are fantastic!! gorgeous!

Jessie said... @ 5/01/2009 12:38 PM

Wow I love your flower clip! It goes so well with your lace dress! Which is absolutely gorgeous! And you have the fringe heels... sigh <3 I want them too! <3 tehehe

xx Jessie

cocorosa said... @ 5/01/2009 1:59 PM

love love love your outfit and Im into the same colors too hehe :) I just got this amazing t-shirt from the American Apparel (menswear) its like "clouds" too :) I think you will love it a lot too :)

kimvee said... @ 5/04/2009 8:05 AM

Thanks for tagging me, that's so sweet of you :) The show was awesome, I just wrote a blog about the show and took pictures of my purchases, stop by my blog to check it out. hehe* By the way, love your outfit!

MAGDArling said... @ 5/04/2009 11:01 PM

love the shoes;D and leggins;)))

Renee said... @ 5/05/2009 3:07 PM

aaaaah i have those shoes too! they are quite amazing and surprisingly light... :0) and uber sexy.

MizzJ said... @ 5/06/2009 3:15 PM

I love your outfit, it's so cute with the lace and then bam, oh so fierce with the leggings and fringe booties. Man, now I want fringe booties to wear with my liquid leggings! Your photos of the veil are quite beautiful :)

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