I have to make this post quick because Robitussin is kicking in and I'm getting sleepy. I caught a severe a cold last night and I'm wondering if it's because I haven't slept much the entire trip or eating too many chocolate at work on Monday.

Let me tell you a bit about my trip before I go - It was fabulous. We left Thursday night and arrived 7am in the morning. Everything that day was such a coincidence. I wore my french wallpaper cardigan all the way up there because I wanted a Garden State kind of feel - matching my outfit with the wallpaper, but I fell right asleep after a marvelous breakfast buffet. After we woke up and got ready we headed out towards Fisherman's Wharf thinking that we'll eat there but the instant I saw inside Crown & Crumpets in Ghirardelli Square, I knew we had to have lunch there. It was the most charming luncheonette/afternoon tea ever and it's also one of a kind. They barely opened last September. I told the owner to open one up in LA. It would be marvelous! My cardigan was matching their aprons and I swear it looked as if I was working there. As my boyfriend would call that place - it was quaint.

Photos and more adventure stories on the next post!


cocorosa said... @ 4/16/2009 2:18 PM

this first picture is so beautiful! I love the wallpaper and furniture so much! xoxo

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