Hi-de-ho, hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! It feels good to be home again and back to the absurdly hot weather of LA. Promise to upload vast amount of photos from my trip soon!! It was some crazy driving in crazy weather conditions. Rain/fog and snow storms high up on the mountains, we could barely see what was ahead, and all those crazy turns and downhill drive made me dizzy and stressed out. Between Norcal and south of Oregon was too crazy. I was really scared and thought we were going to fall off the cliff on our way back. Luckily we're okay as you can see from this post! haha. Despite the crazy driving, the trip was such an adventure! I will have to break it down into couple of posts with the amount of photos we took.
I contemplated on the last decade of my life while on the road..there has definitely been a lot of highs and lows, and I can't believe it's 2010 already!! So you bet I'm going to do that type of post. Here are 10 photos/facts about me from the last 10 years of my life..bare with me as it's not all happy happy:
I couldn't really find anything that beats the trip I just had, so you'll have to wait for the photos!! Best year so far in this 10 year journey. :)
Oh happy days, This was the year when my boyfriend and I officially got together. We've been dating for 2.5 years before then, but nothing too serious. It's about 5 years all together now. wow. Btw, this was taken at the LA fair. I love looking at funny photos. :)
I love jelly fish and I try to capture them with my camera when I went to an aquarium..I have tons more and maybe I'll show them some other time. They're just so free and beautiful..the way I want to be too.
At Thread show in San Diego..first fashion show I've experienced and it was cool to see a lot of independent designers on the floor. The dude in the back was especially excited.


I really loved the fashion from this season. Everything so happy and warm looking. I love socks with sandals.
Halloween with the old coworkers at an ex-boss's house. I was Daria that year..it really sumed up how I felt at the time. My ex-coworkers were the best. We were like family and they're positive vibes really rubbed off on me.
A happier photo
I was at an extremely low point in my life. Probably the worst year ever. All I saw was red. Everything that's bad happened that year. I was also at my highest weight ever but then lost 25lbs 2 years later through a healthier diet.

This was the year I welcomed 2 cute mice to my home. Patches, the one with a grey patch and Master Squinter..who squints a lot...they kept me company for the short lives they lived.

Between 2004 and 2006 were the crazy years of my life. Could it be the fact that I was out of high school and feeling like I could express myself in any way possible? Or maybe I started going to art school? I don't know, but I had all colors possible in my hair at one point. Everything but blue! Wish I experimented with that color before my hair literally died and started falling out. I swore to stop damaging my hair like that since then. Bleach is not your friend. By the way, I cut my own hair too. Sometimes I mess up but sometimes they're exactly how I want it.

It was one of those adrenaline pumping moments when I went to a private shooting range with an ex-bf and his uncle. He had all sorts of guns and I got the chance to test them all out.

my family adopted this beautiful half lab/golden retriever we named Cookie from the animal shelter. She was only 6 months old at the time i got her and she really is a smart "cookie".

this was when i started to take interest in cosplay, lolita and japanese street fashion. nothing beats living a fairytale than to dress up like you're in one :)

bad fashion and fake friends? who knows. it was taken at a safari themed homecoming during my sophomore year of high school. I know...gold halter top with tiger print skirt? What was I thinking? Guess I wasn't, hehe.
Not to sound all melodramatic with this entire post, but that was me for 10 years in a nutshell. Early years were my worst years, but I started picking myself back up and gaining strength again. I'm now where I feel I should be in life and I'm very greatful for what I have and earned.
The reason I'm reflecting in this way is because I rarely talk about my actual life or my past. I want everyone to know that I'm a real person behind that monitor screen. Not just a number or a marketing tool on the blogosphere. I have a past and some of it are great and some not very nice, and I've grown from it all. I'm not lucky or anyone special. Just a girl passing through life and following her dreams.
The reason I'm reflecting in this way is because I rarely talk about my actual life or my past. I want everyone to know that I'm a real person behind that monitor screen. Not just a number or a marketing tool on the blogosphere. I have a past and some of it are great and some not very nice, and I've grown from it all. I'm not lucky or anyone special. Just a girl passing through life and following her dreams.
That catwalk doesn't look as it comes from 2007, it looks so modern!
I see a lot of myself in you, just in a slightly different order. I'm happy to hear you had an adventure and I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!
LOL the last picture is so funny. I kind of miss the fashion from the early millenium.
I had pet mice as well too! I had to get rid of them when I left for college though, I was crying hysterically :/
darling - this is soooo beautiful you are sharing the path you undertook ... oh!! how i knew all those ups and downs while growing up!!! and those photos serve such an reminders ...
btw: the very first photo is really breathtaking ... i love everything!
happy happy holiday - it's good to know you, xx
Hi Nora, belated new year greetings! I love love this post, we'd all seemed to come a long way, and what a great way to recap the history, ain't it?
Hey Nora! I loved reading this post and actually was reflecting about the same thing re: inserting some of my personal life into the blog. We've all had our share of ups and downs and I'm glad that your recent years are ones that have been fulfilling and happy. So glad we have become blogger buddies, and can't wait for what the New Year has in store.
Best wishes!
xo, Becs
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